Our Centers

Ramnad : 2/2923 Mahasakthi Nagar 9th Street, Bharathi Nagar, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu – 623 501

Early Intervention Center in Ramnad was established in the year 2006 with mere 13 children. At present, the center provides early intervention services for 30 children with three special educators and two helpers. It also provides physiotherapy for children and counseling for parents. This unit is part of VHS outreach program and is completed aided by Government of Tamilnadu.

Sathya Gardens: No.103/40, Arcot Road, Saligrammam, Chennai – 600 093

Special School in Sathya Gardens was initiated in the year 2000 under the Auspices of MGR Memorial Charitable Trust, which provided the land premises and the school building was constructed with the foreign aid from Lebenshilfe and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation, Germany.
The center provides special education, vocational training and post school support for individuals with intellectual disabilities, which is solely implemented by Vijay Human Services.
We have four teachers and four helpers who provide training and support to forty students in the age group of 6 through 30 years. The curriculum includes therapy, concept training, self -help training, vocational development, yoga, play, sports and recreation.
Our teachers also help our students to obtain the necessary identity card, health insurance schemes and various support schemes that are available for people with disabilities.

Mylapore: #3, 3rd Street, Dr Radha Krishnan Salai, Mylapore,
Chennai – 600 004

The center, which was earlier functioning in Royapettah, is now relocated within the Clarke School Premises, Mylapore since December 2022. The center has two classrooms including two special educators and two helpers, comprising of 20 children in mixed age group (10 years –  60 years).

Based on the individual needs, special education and vocational training is provided. Cultural and recreational activities, sports and outdoor play are part of the curriculum as well. Center also facilitates obtaining Identity card and health insurance schemes offered by the Government. 

SRTC – K.K.Nagar

The center provides early intervention services for 20 children with intellectual disabilities in the age group of 0-6 years. Parents are actively involved in the training. We have two teachers and two helpers. This center is considered to be a model center for the State of Tamilnadu, which is why it is located within Government premises of State Resource Center, K.K.Nagar.

Kottivakkam: 5/501, Subramanian Salai Venkatesapuram, Kottivakkam, Chennai – 600 041

The center offers teacher training program in early intervention for intellectual disabilities. This course is recognized by rehabilitation council of India. Successful graduates are qualified to work in preschool centers, early intervention centers, Anganwadi centers.

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